Behavioral Health Dallas

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Cultivate More Peace & Rest this Mother’s Day with these 3 Tips

By Katie Sardone, PhD & Madison Shealy

Calling all Mothers, Mothers-to-be, Maternal Figures, and Mentors - Give yourself the best gift of all this Mother’s Day, peace of mind. Let’s talk about 3 ways to give yourself peace, rest and joy this weekend. 

  1. Silence Insecurities

    Motherhood is difficult. Whether you are a mother of a young child, a grieving mother, or a mother in spirit, it is challenging to bear the mental burden of caring for others. Often mothers worry if they are making the right choices and can doubt themselves. Give yourself an intentional break from that storyline this weekend. This weekend, let the narrative be that YOU ARE ENOUGH! Try these steps to help:

    • Write a sticky note or set alerts on your phone that can remind you of your strength, beauty and awesomeness throughout the day.

    • Manage your expectations! Set specific, achievable goals. Give yourself a break from trying to take on too much, even if just for the weekend.

2. Self-Acceptance

Mother’s Day can hold different emotions and meanings for everyone. Practice acceptance of whatever Mother’s Day is stirring up in you. These feelings have a place.

Maybe your Mother’s Day is not a happy one. Whether you are celebrating or grieving this Mother’s Day, allow yourself and others to feel emotions without judgment or criticism. Demonstrate self-acceptance and love this weekend. You can embody the peace that others need to experience.

3. Set Boundaries

Set yourself up for success. The knowledge that Mother’s Day is this weekend may already make you feel stressed, vulnerable, or uncomfortable. Setting boundaries can help you feel more prepared and provide a buffer for stress.

If you plan to be around people, places or things that can be triggering or challenging, allow yourself to take breaks or set limits on when, where, and how events take place. It's okay to say no! This day is actually about you, so walk with confidence and own the day.