Yaprak Harrison, MD, PhD

Yaprak Harrison


Dr. Yaprak Harrison is a psychiatrist in private practice with a special focus on women's mental health and wellness. Prior to her transition to private practice in 2020, Dr. Harrison provided general and specialty psychiatric services at UT Southwestern Medical Center in close collaboration with other specialties, including the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Dr. Harrison's approach to care is individualized, comprehensive and compassionate with a focus on the whole person. When indicated, she will collaborate with therapists, ob-gyns and other providers for integrated care. She received her medical degree and Ph.D. in pharmacology at Hacettepe University Medical Center in Ankara, Turkey. Before completing her training in psychiatry at UT Southwestern, she was involved in psychopharmacology research at University of North Texas Health Science Center.

Dr. Harrison has a passion for women’s issues at all stages of life. Prior to starting at Behavioral Health Dallas, she served as a member on the women’s mental health team at UT Southwestern, where she helped start a wellness and mental health program at Obstetrics and the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic where women could be seen for comprehensive wellness needs. Dr. Harrison as since transitioned to full time private practice. Currently, Dr. Harrison runs an in-house psychiatry clinic for existing Behavioral Health Dallas therapy clients. She also continues to serve as clinical faculty and enjoys teaching and supervising psychiatric residents. She is a graduate psychoanalyst who supervises residents in psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychiatric care. Dr. Harrison’s other interests include cross-cultural psychiatry and mental health issues associated with immigration.


Nyaz Didehbani, PhD


Margaret Vadiee, MA, PhD